Sunday, January 21, 2024

Taming more chaos while upcycling

Organized clothing drawer

The blog post I wrote earlier this month on sew-your-own choas reducers is now the most popular post I have written. From that, I surmise I am not the only person who wants to tame the chaos in their house. I have more substantial projects that I would like to share, but I will wait on those so that I can share some more tips on reducing chaos with upcycled materials. 

Just before the turn of the new year, I realized that the downstairs drawers that held my sewing materials and the upstairs drawers that held my clothing were complete disasters. I have found that store-bought organizers never work for me in part because they are never the right size. So I organized them using upcycled materials. 

Vertical storage and old socks

Like many people, I read Marie Kando's The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. While everything in the book sounded great, the only thing I actually implemented was storing clothes vertically.  Doing this allowed me to see everything, but the drawer would revert to chaos when I unfolded one of my many black pieces of clothing to see what it was or when the drawer was less full causing the vertically folded clothes to fall over. A few weeks ago, my son cleaned out his sock drawer and left several holey socks on his floor. He was adamant that I not mend them and they sat around for a few weeks because I could not think of a use for them. Finally, I had a burst of inspiration and decided I would cut the socks into rings and use them to hold my clothes together. 

Socks, scissors and sock rings

I cut several socks, took each article of clothing out of my drawers, rolled them up and bound them with a sock ring. Then I put the clothing back in the drawer upright. The sock rings didn't constrict the clothing as much as a rubber band and keep the clothes  from becoming unfolded. Now, as pictured at the top,  I can see all the clothing in my drawers and they remain much neater. 

Shirts rolled up and bound by sock rings

Sewing stuff, cardboard and berry containers

My sewing drawers are still a work in process as of today, but I have made several improvements to how I store ribbon, trim and scraps. Before the organizing project, the drawer was full of ziploc bags of ribbon, thread spools that didn't fit into the thread section of my sewing box and scrapsof various sizes. the times were getting all tangled up. 

I put the thread into take-out containers, preventing them from getting tangled up in other items. I folded several of my scraps vertically and placed them in berry containers. I spent the most time on ribbons and trim. I used a shoebox and cut cardboard to fit inside. I wrapped the ribbon and other trims on the cardboard and cut small notches in them so I could keep the ribbons from unraveling. I still have a lot of work to do on the sewing items, but one project at a time.

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